Accepting mediocre pay for excellent work is unjust. It robs you of resources that you could deploy inside your organization to grow, innovate, add new lines of business, open new facilities, buy more equipment, hire more people, and pay yourselves and your people better.
What would be possible inside your organization if you didn’t accept mediocre pay for excellent work?
What would be possible for your employees & their families who depend on those paychecks?
Our passion for pricing is matched only by our passion for people who strive for excellence every day. Let us help you get paid well for your excellence.
We aim to live our values through philanthropy and volunteerism. Boost supports the following organizations:
Performs cleft lip and palate repair surgeries around the world. Learn More
Provides life-changing outdoor adventures for cancer survivors. Learn More
Builds wells and sanitation systems at schools in Africa. Learn More
Serves refugees in Central Ohio. Learn More